USL beefs up internationalization efforts in China

In a bid to spotlight its commitment to global engagement, USL school executives visited China and inked academic synergies among seven Chinese schools on September 18-24, 2024.

The six-day visit resulted in the forging of a Memorandum of Understanding in the following schools: Shanghai Urban Construction Vocational College, Zhejiang Yuying College of Vocational Technology, Nantong Vocational Technology, Nantong Normal College, Dongguan City University, Clinical College of Anhui Medical University, and The Silk Road College.

Guided by the institutions’ shared values and principles, representatives engaged in fruitful discussions, shared best practices, and explored avenues for further collaboration in research, education, faculty and student exchange, and community outreach initiatives.

USL delegation was composed of Rev. Fr. Macwayne N. Maniwang, CICM, PhD, University President; Dr. Luisa B. Aquino, Vice President for Academics; Dr. Celso L. Tuddao, Vice President for Finance; and Dr. Anjanette F. Batulan, Director for GloCal Partnerships and Engagement. They were joined by Dr. Aaron Lee, President and Founder of WEDU, Inc.

The academic visits aimed to fortify the university’s thrust towards internationalization in fostering greater cross-cultural learning and understanding and offering diverse and innovative learning experiences that would prepare every Louisian student and employee for success in the global economy.

#Internationalization #AcademicPartnership #ExperienceUSL #USLPhilippines

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