University of Saint Louis is a center of 21st century education advancing in MISSIO ET EXCELLENTIA through relevant instruction, dynamic research, responsive community engagement, global partnership, sustainable operation, and jubilating faith.
Inspired by the Wisdom of God, USL as a CICM Catholic academic community is committed to integral human formation for the building of the Church and society.
University of Saint Louis commits to work towards providing quality Catholic education to produce responsible and globally competent graduates through compliance with regulatory, statutory, and accreditation requirements and standards, and commitment to continual improvement in all its processes to achieve customer satisfaction.
Quality Policy
The CICM Philippine Province considers the educational apostolate as one of the most effective means of evangelization. As such, it maintains the school apostolate among its priorities as a missionary institution. Its educational policy integrates fully the vision of the Catholic Church on education as expressed in the different documents of the Second Vatican Council and of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines.
THE CICM-RP PROVINCE VISION AND MISSION IN EDUCATIONInspired by the historical commitment and dedication to provide a Catholic Education, the CICM Philippine Province espouses the following vision and mission for its educational institutions: It envisions an integral human formation of the youth who will become mature Christians and active members of the Church. This integral human formation is directed towards a Christian development of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which is geared towards service in church and society by witnessing the values of God’s kingdom.
THE CICM-RP GENERAL EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES- To form an educational community of administrators, faculty, students, personnel and parents who are conscious that their knowledge, skills and attitudes should be geared as a sign of the kingdom and that by this they realize their highest human dignity.
- To bring about a new Christian outlook on God, life, culture, world, neighbor, society and personal human dignity.
- Concern for the poor and handicapped
- scholarship programs for the poor
- involvement in non-formal education
- service programs
- support for efforts to uplift the disadvantaged in society
- simplicity of lifestyle in the schools
- Concern for the non-Christians and non-Catholics The presence of the non-Christians in the educational community is brought to the attention of all, so that non-Christians feel accepted and welcomed…
University of Saint Louis is a center of 21st century education advancing in MISSIO ET EXCELLENTIA through relevant instruction, dynamic research, responsive community engagement, global partnership, sustainable operation, and jubilating faith.
MISSIONInspired by the Wisdom of God, USL as a CICM Catholic academic community is committed to integral human formation for the building of the Church and society.
EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND CORE VALUESThe University of Saint Louis upholds the philosophy that education is for building of self and persons for the Church and the Society. Wisdom builds…
- Christian Living. We are witnesses to the Gospel values as taught and lived by Christ thus making God’s love known and experienced by all.
- Excellence. We seek and maintain uncompromising standard of quality in teaching, learning, service, and stewardship of school resources.
- Professional Responsibility. We are committed to efficiently and responsibly apply the learned principles, values and skills in the chosen field of discipline, taking initiative and command responsibility in one’s professional advancement.
- Social Awareness and Involvement. We engage ourselves with society by listening to the prevailing issues and concerns in the society, thereby initiating and participating in constructive and relevant social activities for the promotion of justice, peace and integrity of creation and for people’s wellness and development consistent with the CICM charism.
- Innovation, Creativity and Agility. We keep ourselves relevant and responsive to the changing needs of our stakeholders by being flexible, solution oriented, and having cutting-edge decisions and practices.

Logo Elements

The letters CICM in the CROSS is a Latin initial for Congregatio Immaculati Cordis Mariae, or in English, Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. CICM is an international Catholic religious congregation that founded University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao in keeping with her educational mission and apostolate.

The herald of the USLT emblem blends the SWORD and the SHIELD, symbolizing the virtue of fortitude. The sword thrusts forward toward individual and community development, the goals of education.

Thus, USLT, a community of learners seeking to be leaders of human progress, provides not only an academic but also a Christian atmosphere where values are developed. This atmosphere makes learning a process of building a human person dedicated towards the service of community, country, and God—the embodiment of the USLT motto: WISDOM BUILDS.

The LILY, symbolizing the virtue of integrity, and the CROSS, representing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, are wielded by the shield.
The prime products of Cagayan, CORN and RICE (stalks), depict USL’s commitment to contribute to the development of the Cagayan Province and Cagayan Valley Region.

The colors BLUE and WHITE, the colors of the Blessed Virgin Mary, signify the love and life of a dedicated person close to Christ. YELLOW symbolizes the golden harvest of Cagayan’s prime products. The golden yellow which was seen in the old USL logo was officially adopted officially in 2015 to mark the golden jubilee of the university, symbolizing the rich harvests of USLT’s achievements through the years.

The BULB represents innovation and creativity, while the COGS symbolize collaboration, critical thinking, and practical application of knowledge. Together, they highlight the interconnected and technology-driven nature of 21st-century education.

Positioned at the center of the emblem, the DIAMOND symbolizes the university as a shining jewel, encapsulating decades of excellence and success. This represents USLT’s 60th founding anniversary and aligns with the theme, “USLT @ 60: Diamond of Excellence, Jewel of Achievements.”
THE MOTTO: WISDOM BUILDS (Sapientia Aedificat)
The fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. The University of Saint Louis, as a Catholic educational institution embodies the conviction that wisdom, borne out of genuine reverence and love for God, builds up our persons. (We have an expression “God-fearing person” which means that this person will not do anything to offend God and one’s neighbor, will not do anything against one’s own conscience.) Expressing it in a positive way, a God-fearing person does God’s will, and contributes to the well-being of the whole community. This is Wisdom in the Old Testament – Solomon’s search for the will of God, personified by Jesus of Nazareth, the fulfillment of God’s will and revelation in the context of the Covenant community.
Thus, in today’s terms, “Wisdom Builds” means that the attitude and the actions that express the obedience to God and the love and compassion toward one’s neighbors will contribute to the betterment of one’s self and one’s community. Every Louisian built in wisdom is called to become builder of the Church and Society.
University of Saint Louis commits to work towards providing quality Catholic education to produce responsible and globally competent graduates through compliance with regulatory, statutory, and accreditation requirements and standards, and commitment to continual improvement in all its processes to achieve customer satisfaction.
Let’s all sing a song
Gay and cheerful
Bursting forth from our young
And joyous hearts.
For our life is so bright
For we study right
We choose a smile for our part.
Here we are students of St. Louis
That is why we are so proud
We’ll always stand in defense of it
For it makes us brave and fit
Training our body and mind
That in this school we find
Bright future smiles on us;
Let’s be ready, thus
We’ll deserve well of our Land
Go ever hand in hand
For God and Country’s sake
this is the PLEDGE we make.
Let’s all sing a song
Gay and cheerful
Bursting forth from our young
And joyous hearts.
For our life is so bright
For we study right
We choose a smile for our part.
Here we are students of St. Louis
That is why we are so proud
We’ll always stand in defense of it
For it makes us brave and fit