Student Organizations
Every student is encouraged to be a member of at least one of the recognized extra/co-curricular organizations to the extent that his scholastic standing will allow.
Clubs or organizations that are co-curricular in nature are extension of classroom activities and are not open for membership to all. The rest would fall under extra-curricular, with general membership open to all students.

GESA Geodetic Engineering Students Association

HOSTS Hospitality and Tourism Society

ICpEP.SE Institute of Computer Engineers of the Philippines- Student Edition

IECEP-USLCS Institute of Electronics Engineers of the Philippines

IIEE-CSC Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers – Council of Student Chapters

JAPS Junior Association of Psychology Students

JFINEX Junior Finance Executives

JMA Junior Marketing Association

JPIA Junior Philippine Institute of Accountancy

LITES Louisian Information Technology Education Society

LIFE Louisian Institute of Future Educators

LNSO Louisian Nursing Students Organization

LPSO Louisian Pharmacy Students Organization

PICES Philippine Institute of Civil Engineering Students

PSS Political Science Society

UAPSA United Architects of the Philippines Students

ALGS Association of Louisian Grantees & Scholars

LUSC Louisian United Sports Club

LDS Louisian Debate Society

LMC Louisian Men’s Club

LWS Louisian Women’s Society

PFA Peer Facilitators Association
RCY Red Cross Youth
UCSCO United Cordillera Students Cultural Organization