Community Engagement and CICM Advocacies (CECA) and UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Community Engagement and CICM Advocacies (CECA) is the office responsible for responding to the call for compassionate service through its outreach activities and research- and needs-based extension programs. It acts as the coordinating arm of the University in the implementation of community development plans which are aligned with the CICM Advocacies. It establishes local and international linkages with institutions and agencies supportive of the CICM thrust on Missio et Excellentia and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

The University’s Community Engagement and CICM Advocacies (CECA) Office envisions developing socially aware, sensitive and responsive members of the Louisian Community through active involvement in community extension, service learning, and outreach activities towards community development.
As the over-all coordinating body of the various community engagement activities that are initiated by the different sectors of the Louisian Community, the CECA Office shall:
- Participate in constructive and relevant social activities for the promotion of CICM advocacies;
- Sustain holistic development of communities which are humane, self-reliant, sustainable and dynamic;
- Encourage volunteerism among the sectors of the Louisian Community for the noble and worthwhile community engagement activities thereby cultivating the same spirit in the client – partner communities.
The CECA, through the Basic Education School – Elementary unit, envisions a community that treasures life, values growth, and is committed to unleashing the fullest potential of its members through its Peace and Life Education advocacy. It endeavors to develop individuals holistically through the implementation of the following activities:
- Interfaith Dialogues
- Intercultural Conversations
- Seminars on Mediation and Conflict Resolution
- Community Dialogue Sessions
- Catechism and Values-Based Education
- Bullying Prevention Program
- Peace-themed Art Exhibits and Creative Displays
- Non-violent Communication Training
- Peaceful Parenting Workshops
- Peer Mediation Program
The CECA, through the Basic Education School – Junior High School unit, envisions a society that upholds responsible use and care of nature through its Integrity of Creation Advocacy. It endeavors to develop within its stakeholder environmental consciousness through the responsible use and preservation of natural resources by way of the following activities:
- Environmental Workshops
- Environmental Seminars
- Environmental Art Exhibitions
- Environmental Clean-up Campaigns
- Tree-Planting Initiatives
- Sustainable Gardening
- Climate Change Awareness Campaigns
- Waste Management
- Environmental Sustainability Seminars
- E-Waste Recycling Drives
The CECA, through the Basic Education School – Senior High School unit, envisions a youth-empowered society that contributes to positive change. It recognizes the importance of nurturing and equipping young individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing world through the following activities:
- Youth Leadership Seminar-Workshops
- Youth Teambuilding Activities
- Skills Development Program
- Personal Development Trainings and Programs
- Coaching and Mentoring Activities
- Literacy Programs
- Life Skills Seminar
- Out-of-School Youth Skills Training Activities
- Establishment of Community Youth Councils
- Youth Sports Development
The CECA, through the School of Accountancy, Business, and Hospitality unit, envisions a well-developed and financially stable society. It endeavors to address core causes of poverty by assisting community members attain financial stability through the following activities:
- Financial Literacy Workshops
- Entrepreneurship and Job Skills Training
- Product Demonstrations
- Marketing Tool Development for Small Entrepreneurs
- Business Planning Workshops
- Business Development Assistance
- Culinary Training for Job Skills
- Destination Partnership and Marketing
- Church Embellishment, Sustainable Clean Up Drive and Conservation Initiative / Tourist Spot Revival
- Microfinance Initiatives
The CECA, through the School of Education, Arts, and Sciences unit, envisions an inclusive society where individuals actively participate in community life and passionately strive for positive change. It endeavors to foster not only informed civic engagement but also encourages individuals to champion justice, equality, human rights, education, cultural preservation, and mental well-being through the following activities:
- Civic Education
- Local Knowledge Initiatives
- Indigenous Peoples Development
- Cultural Heritage Preservation
- Leadership Trainings
- Justice and Human Rights Seminars and Trainings
- Economic and Social Literacy Initiatives
- Literacy classes and Tutorials
- Lifelong Learning Support
- Mental Health Development
The CECA, through the School of Engineering, Architecture, and Information Technology Education unit, envisions a safe society that is ably prepared to respond to disasters in their local community. It endeavors to instill in the community both a sense of preparedness to address vulnerabilities and involvement in programs on disaster management and mitigation through the following activities:
- Maintenance and Inspection of Electrical Wiring for Residential Houses
- Rapid Earthquake Assessment of Residential Houses
- Spot and Hazard Mapping of Local Areas
- Safety Management Planning
- Disaster Preparedness Campaign
- Activation of Local-Led Emergency Response Team
- Urban Spaces Planning
- Technology-Related Infrastructures and Projects Initiatives
- Disaster Relief and Recovery Activities
- Resilience Oriented Adaptive Research
The CECA, through the School of Graduate Studies and Continuing Professional Development, envisions a society that cultivates a culture of lifelong learning. It endeavors to engage, educate, and empower communities through the advancement of literacy skills and employment opportunities through the following activities:
- Adult Learning and Education Awareness Raising Activities
- Literacy classes
- Skills and Vocational Training
- Life Skills Seminars and Trainings
- Employment and Career Training
- Livelihood Education Networking
- Social Inclusion Activities for Disadvantaged Learners
- Re-skilling and Re-Training Opportunities for Adults
- Intergenerational Learning
- Adult Education Research
The CECA, through the School of Health and Allied Sciences, envisions healthier communities through the active participation of its stakeholders in nutrition and health development. It strives to empower individuals, foster informed decisions about their health, and contribute to a society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive both physically and mentally through the following activities:
- Health Education Campaign
- Health Leadership Training
- Feeding and Fitness Programs
- Blood Donation Drive
- BMI Computation and Weight Monitoring Among Children
- Nutrition Class for Mothers
- Baseline Measurement and Monitoring of Vital Signs
- Baseline Measurement and Monitoring of Basic Laboratory Tests
- Provision of Basic Health Equipment and Materials and hygiene kit
- Establishment of Herbal Garden in the Partner Community
The CECA, through the Non-Teaching Personnel unit, envisions a society that adheres to social justice, gender equality, and inclusivity. It endeavors to promote gender equity, upholding the rights of women, girls, and those marginalized and discriminated against based on their gender through the following activities:
- Gender Sensitivity Training
- Orientation on Magna Carta of Women, Safe Spaces Act, and other Gender-Related Policies
- Participation in National Women’s Month Celebration
- Seminar on Women Economic Empowerment
- Gender-Responsive Research and Development
- GAD Learning Materials Development
- Participation in anti-violence Against Women activities
- Self-Defense Training
- Skills-Based Learning Programs for Women
- Marriage and Parenting Seminars

The University of Saint Louis (USL) is committed to advancing the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), actively aligning its initiatives and programs to contribute meaningfully to global sustainability efforts.
Through targeted programs in education, community engagement, environmental stewardship, health and wellness, collaborations with alumni, business and industry partners, and other government and non-government organizations, USL seeks to integrate the SDGs into its core mission to create positive social impact and responsible citizenship. By embedding these goals into its framework, USL promotes inclusivity, quality education, climate action, and improved life, channeling its efforts to achieve a better and sustainable life, empowering its community to drive meaningful change, and embodying the principles of sustainable development.