The University of Saint Louis (USL) held the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Philippines Investiture on October 17, 2024 at the James Ter Meer Gymnasium, bearing the theme “Scouting for a Greener Tomorrow: Futureproofing Adventure for the Next Century and Beyond.” The event involved a total of 180 young participants, including Kid Scouts and Twinklers (Kindergarten), Kab Scouts and Star Scouts (Grade 1), and Boy Scouts and Junior Scouts (Grade 4).

Dr. Emily T. Mabborang, Assistant Vice President for Basic Education School and Principal, opened the ceremony with warm spirits, emphasizing the importance of leadership in the scouting community.
The investiture ceremony marks the formal induction of young scouts into the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the Philippines, instilling in them the values of leadership, responsibility, and environmental stewardship.
Notable guests included Girl Scout Investing Officers Mrs. Krischen Zingapan Binarao and Mrs. Jessica Delfin, and Sct. Kyle Angelo Diciano, Scout Representative, who guided the young scouts through the ceremony.
Through this rite of passage, participants commit to embodying the ideals of scouting, including service to community and respect for nature.
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